Creative Writings
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Don't Stop Looking For Love
Don’t Stop Looking for Love…
What is love? A thousand clichés arose over the years in the hopes to explain this comple x emotion but until now, none of those clichés has ever defined it. Love still remains as vague as ever.It has been proven that love is not always as good as it sounds. It often entails a lot of pain and sacrifices, yet people are still searching for this thing.
For those searching for it: Don’t hurry. Take your time. It will come in its right time and it will come looking for you. Just be prepared to welcome it when it comes. Be patient and the reward would be great. Don’t ever settle for second best. The heart cannot be taught how to love. It can feel on its won and it can know immediately if it has found its perfect pair. And when it starts to beat and thump, it can never me contained nor ignored nor put aside. It will manifest itself in the eyes and the outlook of the person.
For those who have love and failed, be optimistic. Don’t feel as if it’s the end of the world. That person was not meant for you and that means someone greater and better will come along. Don’t lose hope and don’t be afraid to take the risk. Life is about risk and victory will bever be achieved if no stakes will be taken. So don’t feel bad and don’t ever compare. Nobody is ever like. Even identical twins have differences. So don’t ever stop searching, do not ever be afraid to take the rist. But instead learn from past relationshois and then love again.
For those separated from their loved ones right now: Do not worry. If its your destiny to be together then it will happen. Time is just lending a hand to make you think and assess your feelings. It is making you go through a test and if you will pass – emerging at times with lots of bruises and pains – your feelings would be stronger. Then it would be easier to conquer the world because you are holding the proof of the strength of your love. Just continue to invoke God’s help to help you both make it through.
For those who have found their one true love, Congratulations! Consider yourself very fortunate because only few find it. It shows you have the patience to wait for it, the perseverance to deal with it, the kindness it desires, the mercy to forgive any mistakes, the humility to submit to it and the compassaion to bestow upon it.
Love does not easily burn out nor fade. So it needs to be nurtured everyday so it can blossom all the more and then it will grow stroinger and can carry on any trials that may come.
What is love? A thousand clichés arose over the years in the hopes to explain this comple x emotion but until now, none of those clichés has ever defined it. Love still remains as vague as ever.It has been proven that love is not always as good as it sounds. It often entails a lot of pain and sacrifices, yet people are still searching for this thing.
For those searching for it: Don’t hurry. Take your time. It will come in its right time and it will come looking for you. Just be prepared to welcome it when it comes. Be patient and the reward would be great. Don’t ever settle for second best. The heart cannot be taught how to love. It can feel on its won and it can know immediately if it has found its perfect pair. And when it starts to beat and thump, it can never me contained nor ignored nor put aside. It will manifest itself in the eyes and the outlook of the person.
For those who have love and failed, be optimistic. Don’t feel as if it’s the end of the world. That person was not meant for you and that means someone greater and better will come along. Don’t lose hope and don’t be afraid to take the risk. Life is about risk and victory will bever be achieved if no stakes will be taken. So don’t feel bad and don’t ever compare. Nobody is ever like. Even identical twins have differences. So don’t ever stop searching, do not ever be afraid to take the rist. But instead learn from past relationshois and then love again.
For those separated from their loved ones right now: Do not worry. If its your destiny to be together then it will happen. Time is just lending a hand to make you think and assess your feelings. It is making you go through a test and if you will pass – emerging at times with lots of bruises and pains – your feelings would be stronger. Then it would be easier to conquer the world because you are holding the proof of the strength of your love. Just continue to invoke God’s help to help you both make it through.
For those who have found their one true love, Congratulations! Consider yourself very fortunate because only few find it. It shows you have the patience to wait for it, the perseverance to deal with it, the kindness it desires, the mercy to forgive any mistakes, the humility to submit to it and the compassaion to bestow upon it.
Love does not easily burn out nor fade. So it needs to be nurtured everyday so it can blossom all the more and then it will grow stroinger and can carry on any trials that may come.
posted by Sharon J. E. at 10:57 AM

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