ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Creative Writings

Monday, March 17, 2008

A Perfect Christmas (Entry version)

The shrill sound of the doorbell jarred Alex awake. It was almost midnight and he knew only one person could need him at this hour.

“Soph, what happened?” Alex asked when he opened the door and Sophie promptly sobbed on his shoulders. Her heartbreaking wails told him her bastard boyfriend dumped her again as he led her to the couch and fetched her Toblerone and a can of Coke.

As Sophie attacked her food, Alex thought of one thing that will surely lift her up. Since Christmas was only a few days away, it’s time to do their own Christmas ritual since they’re children. He dragged the tree he bought near the window and went to get the boxes of decors. His urge to go after Brandon and do him bodily harm was curbed when Sophie’s face lit up upon seeing the colorful tree ornaments.

Alex handed her a silver bell and together, they put up all the trimmings for the tree. Sophie took out the last décor from the box – a star – and then promptly turned towards Alex and raised her arms. Alex wrapped his arms around her waist and hoisted her up as she placed the star on the treetop and giggled when Alex twirled around before putting her down.
“Feel better now?” Alex asked.
She nodded and smiled weakly. “I saw Brandon kissing his ex-girlfriend in his car this morning. When I confronted him earlier this evening, he didn’t deny it. Instead, he told me he still love his ex-girlfriend and left me. Oh Lex, it hurts so much. I thought he’s the right man. But he’s just the same as the other men out there who breaks their promises and just play with women’s emotions!”

“Not all men are like Brandon Soph,” Alex replied sharply. “There are men who can love and be faithful to only one woman.”

“How could you know that? Heck, even you didn’t have a relationship that lasted for six months!” Sophie railed at Alex.

Alex took offense, he shouted at Sophie. “I didn’t have long lasting relationship with those women because I have the misfortune of falling in love… I know just know that a man can love one woman alone deeply because I know a man who loves you so much, who’s willing to give you the world if you asked for it. However, you are just blind !”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
“I’m not currently rolling on the floor, aren’t I? For someone who’s a hopeless romantic, you’re so outrageously oblivious. Open your eyes and think hard, DAMN IT!”
Sophie decided to humor Alex and then out of the blue, realization sank in, as scenes from the past flashed before her: the boy who fought the children who were mean to her; the man who gave her things she wanted most; listened to her incessant, nonsensical chatter patiently; checked on her whenever he or she was away for days; cut his dates short if she needed him immediately; cancelled on friends just to go shopping with her; rejoiced when she broke up with a boyfriend.

Alex saw the dawning of truth in her expression. “Yes, I have the misfortune of falling in love with my best friend, who’s oblivious to my feelings. I have loved you for so long, because you were smart and spirited and kind to everyone. I have done everything I can to show you how I feel and even sang Westlife’s song ‘Obvious’ to you hoping it would budge you to see that I don’t feel brotherly towards you anymore.

And I’m willing to do more than that. I’ll hold your hand and put my arms around you while we stroll to show the world you’re mine. I’ll shout proudly to my friends how I love you with all my heart. I won’t mind going deaf listening to your gossips and prattle bizarre thoughts and questions because just being near you, hearing your voice and looking at you make my day complete. I would kiss you a million times each day and still couldn’t get enough. And most of all, I promise you I will never break your heart.”

Sophie’s only response was tears and laughter.

“This is not a joke, SOPHIE!”

“I am sorry, but this is so funny to me because I’ve been berating myself for years for falling in love with my best friend who I thought only thinks of me as her sister.”
“Hell, no brother in the world would willingly cancel on his dates or friends just to help his sister shop even if you bribe him.” Pause. “What made you think I only feel platonic love towards you?”

“One incident in high school convinced me of it. We were bickering and suddenly Ashley asked us if we’re a couple. You laughed like you found the notion so ridiculous.”
“Ah, you have a pretty convenient memory. You reacted first to Ashley’s statement by looking so horrified and shouted ‘No” as if Ashley asked you if you wanted to have your hands cut off.”
“I didn’t!”
“Yes, you did. And my ego was bruised so I just acted that way.”
“I’m sor…”
“Hush.” Alex moved towards Sophie and caressed her face. “It’s not important now. Let’s forget that stupid incident and deal with the present. I have enough of you crying over those worthless men.” He stared into her big brown eyes. “I love you Sophie Carter. Will you let me spend the rest of my life with you?”
“I love you too, Alexander Warrington. And YES, I want to spend my lifetime with you.”
And then they were locked in each other’s embrace and passionate kiss, with the lights on the tree twinkling in the background.


Christmas Day.
“Thank you for a perfect Christmas,” Alex said, holding Sophie in his arms.
“Why it’s a perfect Christmas?”
“Because you made my wish come true.”
“And that wish is…”
“Letting me spend my lifetime with you.”

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Writing Exercise: Going Home

Source for this writing prompt

Going Home

Things hadn't changed much in the years she had been away. Not much at
all. There were a few new stores, the roads were in better shape, and the
city limits reached out a little further, but that seemed to be about it.

She couldn't believe she was back here. She had sworn she would never
come back. They say you can't go home, and yet here she was.

And he was still here too. She had asked enough questions to know that
much. He was here and he had no idea she was back. What would he do
when he came face to face with her? What would he do when he found out
why she had returned? What would he do when he found out what she was

Okay, you get to go on from here.

2) For a moment time stood still.

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Sunday, March 16, 2008


OWritten: July 1, 2006

They're still inside
Still won't go away
A little bit has subside
Sarcasm was the way

Borne from days of keeping
Too much patience kills, I see
Not the offender, but the being
Who let things just be

For this long the heart's still heavy
It will take time to heal and be ready
Still there's hope, no need to worry
In time it will pass and still be happy.

~ © Sharon Empedrado, July 1, 2006 ~

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Man is good by nature!

Orig. written: June 27, 2006

One of the unforgettable lessons I learned in Religion class in high school was that man was created in God's image and likeness therefore he is good in nature. It was the evil and temptation around him that makes him susceptible to do bad things. It's weakness that makes him go astray, not his genes or his soul. Even the most notorious criminal still possess some goodness in him.

Then on Sociology class in college we talked about Social Norms. Social Norms dictates the we live on Trust. For example, we trust the food vendors that they would not poison the food they sell to us, we trust the drivers of public vehicles to transport us safely to our destination etc. We coexist harmoniously because somehow, someway we trust those around us.

However today, it's sad to see people being so mistrustful of everyone around them. They think the people are out there to do them harm. That nobody is up to no good. That there are no goodness anywhere at all. Where was the trust that social norms should have instilled in us? Where is the belief that man is good deep inside? Does this mean they also think of themselves bad?

I think that until and unless these beliefs were reinforced back to mankind, the world would just continue to deteriorate and produce more evilness. People had gotten so paranoid to the point of madness in my opinion. People judge other people so quickly without even trying to get to know them better. People were so pessimistic and always cautious with everything because of the lack of trust in humans and in themselves.

I got dismayed when I see this happening around me. Probably because ever the optimist and so trusting, I still believe that there are still goodness in men. There is still hope. I still continue to trust and believe that NOT all people in the streets (and online) would do me harm. I know God and my guardian angel is looking out for me and would not let harm come to me.

I guess I am just too trusting for my own good then. I give strangers my trust easily and the chance to get to know them. If in the end they cannot be trusted then that's fine with me. At least I did not judge them so quickly. And I think I let the good in me outshine the temptation of shutting them out before having the chance to get to know them.

It doesn't hurt to be cautious but most of the time people shut themselves out just because they are cautious. And I think it's the same as shutting their hearts out to strangers who might be needing them. Isn't God's commandment summed up in one line that says "Love your neighbors"? If a person is faithless towards fellow mankind then I don't think that person follows God's commandments at all.

I know that doing good would make a person unpopular. People would always snigger behind his back and he will be ridiculed. That is the price to pay when doing good because goodness is so rare these days. I guess some people doesn't want to be ridiculed and made fun of for being good so they go along with the flow and instead of acting on their nature, they give in to temptation. Thus it is not always easy to do good.

My choice: people can ridicule me and make fun of me all they want. I still continue to trust strangers and give them the chance to get to know me and them.

What is your choice?

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

If only

Originally written on Wednesday, February 08, 2006

If only....

If only I could stop it
If only I could control it
If only I could block it
If only I could harden it

It's deep inside me
Swelling, beating relentlessly
Restlessness is what it brought me
So ceaseless, totally undistracted

Oh why does it have to be so soft?
Why can't I just reach in and pull it up?
Why won't you put me out of this misery?
Rise and be light, oh my heavy heart!

----Sharon, Feb 8, 2006, Kuwait

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Don't Stop Looking For Love

Don’t Stop Looking for Love…

What is love? A thousand clichés arose over the years in the hopes to explain this comple x emotion but until now, none of those clichés has ever defined it. Love still remains as vague as ever.It has been proven that love is not always as good as it sounds. It often entails a lot of pain and sacrifices, yet people are still searching for this thing.

For those searching for it: Don’t hurry. Take your time. It will come in its right time and it will come looking for you. Just be prepared to welcome it when it comes. Be patient and the reward would be great. Don’t ever settle for second best. The heart cannot be taught how to love. It can feel on its won and it can know immediately if it has found its perfect pair. And when it starts to beat and thump, it can never me contained nor ignored nor put aside. It will manifest itself in the eyes and the outlook of the person.

For those who have love and failed, be optimistic. Don’t feel as if it’s the end of the world. That person was not meant for you and that means someone greater and better will come along. Don’t lose hope and don’t be afraid to take the risk. Life is about risk and victory will bever be achieved if no stakes will be taken. So don’t feel bad and don’t ever compare. Nobody is ever like. Even identical twins have differences. So don’t ever stop searching, do not ever be afraid to take the rist. But instead learn from past relationshois and then love again.

For those separated from their loved ones right now: Do not worry. If its your destiny to be together then it will happen. Time is just lending a hand to make you think and assess your feelings. It is making you go through a test and if you will pass – emerging at times with lots of bruises and pains – your feelings would be stronger. Then it would be easier to conquer the world because you are holding the proof of the strength of your love. Just continue to invoke God’s help to help you both make it through.

For those who have found their one true love, Congratulations! Consider yourself very fortunate because only few find it. It shows you have the patience to wait for it, the perseverance to deal with it, the kindness it desires, the mercy to forgive any mistakes, the humility to submit to it and the compassaion to bestow upon it.

Love does not easily burn out nor fade. So it needs to be nurtured everyday so it can blossom all the more and then it will grow stroinger and can carry on any trials that may come.

An Untitled Mystery

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Prologue of an Untitled Mystery story


The rain poured in heavy torrents in the inky darkness of the night. The wind was acting up in a frenzy, coming from different directions, howling and whipping up everything in sight. Thunder grumbled in the distance and lightning flashed across the sky, left and right, illuminating the lone figure bravely treading the flooded path towards the top of the hill. The figure swayed hard and almost toppled over the steep incline when the angry wind blew its full force. It’s as if the weather knew her intent and was trying to dissuade her from putting it into action.But it needs to be done.

The woman thought to herself. Even if it is against my will and even if doing it will be painful to me. And so with purpose and determination, she steadfastly fought the weather and went to the place where she knew she would find the person she was looking for.

In the house on top of a hill, a woman was perusing the book she held in front of her. She held the candle close to the page she just turned. As she scanned the page, her eyes suddenly opened wide in surprise and merriment. At last, she found the answer. As she read on, her face slowly transformed from shock to a smile, to a chuckle and suddenly burst out laughing as he finished the entire chapter.

"It was just so easy. The one I need was right in front of me all along," she blurted out loud. She closed the book with a snap, stood up and paced the length of her room, deep in thought, thinking of how to execute the things she just read.

She became so lost in thought that when the door slammed open, she jumped in fright. She whirled around to admonish the person who dared disturb her at this time of the night. Thinking that the intruder was a lost traveler in this storm, she was about to sent it away and told him he was not welcome when suddenly lightning illuminated the entire room.

"Crissy!" She gasped in shock when she saw that it was only her friend. But something different glinting in her eyes and bearing, she could tell.

"Good evening Tilda. Am I interrupting you?" Criselda asked. Her clothes was soaking wet and was drenching the carpet but Mathilda was rendered speechless for she has never expected this so soon. She still needs time to come up with an infallible plan.

"Of course not, Crissy. Come in, come in. You’re soaking wet. Take a sit and I will get you something to drink and some dry clothes." Mathilda replied.

"Do not trouble yourself Tilda. I won’t be long I just came here to tell you about a little problem I discovered and what I thought would be the best solution," said Criselda.

"Nonsense, my friend. You will get ill if you will not change to dry clothes." Tillie insisted.

And I need to stall you here. She chuckled to herself after silently breathing a sigh of relief as she went to the small kitchen and put the kettle over the fire. She admit she was frightened when she first caught a glimpse of her friend at the door earlier. The chill in Crissy’s eyes startled her but now she knew she was just imagining it. Her friend has just come to talk about problems, just like in the past. For a while there, she thought Crissy has learned about her plans.

"So, what is this problem you have discovered?" Mathilda asked after she gave Crissy a towel to dry her hair and her clothes.

"Remember how Master Zhor used to tell us that the we have reached the summit of our powers, and that we are powerful if we combine them and work together? " Tilda nodded and remembered the numerous times their old master has imparted those words to them."Well, I have discovered that we could become the most powerful being here on earth."

"Really? How could that be?" Chrissy feigned shock at that discovery when in fact she wanted to laugh out loud for that is just the thing she discovered tonight.

To be continued....